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Sweet Mountain Ways

Engaging with Nature








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About Us
Misty Slopes


The intention of this website is to show news and events that provide deep nature engagement opportunities in the Blue Ridge Mountains and foothills of North Carolina.








Nature Photographer


On this website, you will find venues and experiences offering ways to deeply engage with mountain culture and habitats.

























One thing that is certain in our universe and within ourselves is that nothing stays the same. We have a chance to start every moment with something new and fresh. Some people call this "beginner's mind."


Nature has a captivating way of presenting beginner's mind opportunites. When you're totally present in a natural space, whether sitting or walking, listening or just breathing, you can discover the most awesome treasures. Whenever you have a question or you are presented with a challenge, find a tree, a river, a sunset, or other pleasant natural form. Then, quiet your mind and breathe softly. The discoveries may surprise you!






Audubon North Carolina >More info 

Carolina Mountain Club >More info

Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail >More info

Friends of the Sauratown Mountains >More info

Piedmont Environmental Alliance >More info

If your non-profit organization offers regularly scheduled outdoor adventures, 

contact Jae to have them posted here.



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